Twigs and Branches, not Trees


Staring over is a theme.  We walk away from where we were and take another path that leads us to a new beginning.  I walked away from writing for a long time.  I miss it.  I miss sorting out my crazy. 

I picked up a paint brush again for the first time since high school in 2009.  I managed a few canvases before I put the brush away again.  Since I moved East, I set up the easel in the spare room and although I started a painting right away, it sat untouched for nearly a year after that.  I’ve moved the easel to the dining room, in full view to inspire me to pick up the brush again.  It still sits untouched but now is a constant reminder that I have failed to do so.  I miss painting.  I miss turning on the music and getting lost in the notes and the colour.

I have a list that is never ending.  I write it with the expectation that I can accomplish it realistically in a day.  I wrote a list today by example with that thought in mind, and then I labelled it “this week.” Here it is 1:30pm and the list sits on my desk.  Nothing has been marked off.

I need to get back in the groove.  I miss writing.  I miss painting.  I miss spending time with me.  It all starts with a step.  Tackle the branches not the trees or as my beautiful cousin Susan says, sometimes you need to start with the twigs.

So here is is.  A twig!  A place to begin again.

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