Breaking In and Breaking Out

It’s the new year and as a married couple we are building “our”family traditions.  I made Christmas dinner.  I love cooking that meal with all of the trimmings.  It was a success in that no one died and tummies were filled.  We also filled the freezer with all things scrap turkey.

So yesterday, D asked what our new year’s tradition would be?  I suggested sleep.  He suggested dinner and so our tradition is born.  I cook Christmas and he cooks New Year.

I am stepping into a new world here in the maritimes.  I personally have a motto that one should never eat anything that one can not gut.  Hence…. shellfish, with the exception of scallops are off my list.  Throw in the sea bugs – shrimp, lobster and the spider like crab, and you have my full list of veto foods.  D had other ideas.  The meal began with searching out crab, with a side of beef and butternut squash.  I believe I have been exposed, and eaten my fair share of crab flavoured pollock.  I have never – shelled anything, until tonight.

D is breaking me in to the east coast sea food with tools that should not make the kitchen table, but I am glad that they did.  I can proudly state, I have broken out of my shell, and successfully, cheering at times, pulled my own meat from the 4 legs that were served to me this evening. And as long as the itching, on my face and arms doesn’t progress to full blown hives, I am willing to try this tradition again.

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